Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler impressed by pioneering projects of Green Testing Lab

On June 3rd, we had the pleasure of welcoming Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler and giving him an insight into our high-tech company. The visit focused on sustainability and the ongoing innovation in the field of e-mobility.

He was particularly impressed by the progress we have already made in the field of electromobility and battery safety since our foundation.


“It’s a sensation to have something so unique in Eastern Styria,” said Kogler during his visit and was clearly enthusiastic about our company.


Commitment for the future

The Vice-Chancellor’s visit also provided an opportunity to talk about e-mobility in the distant future.

“We can’t always just look back, we have to look forward. The development of e-mobility is progressing in leaps and bounds.”


Max adds: “The Vice-Chancellor’s interest encourages us in our commitment to a more sustainable future. As Austria’s leading company in testing of batteries for e-mobility, our long-term goal is to make the mobility of tomorrow not only sustainable, but above all safe!”



We plan to continue the path we have taken and continue to focus on innovation and sustainability. Werner Kogler’s visit was an important milestone and shows that our efforts in recent years are also recognized and supported at a political level.

As a young company, we want to help to accomplish a future-proof and sustainable mobility, because our work is crucial to the transformation towards a greener and more livable world.


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Gruppenfoto im Meetingraum mit Vizekanzler Werner Kogler, Green Testing Lab Geschäftsführer Max Hofer und Landtagsabgeordneter Andreas Lackner
Geschäftsführer von Green Testing Lab Max Hofer gibt eine Einführung ins Unternehmen anhand einer Präsentation beim Besuch von Vizekanzler Werner Kogler
Gründer der Green Testing Lab Max Hofer erklärt Vizekanzler Werner Kogler die Prozesse und Abläufe von Batterietests
Vizekanzler Werner Kogler bei ORF Interview über das Hochtechnologieunternehmen Green Testing Lab
Gründer der Green Testing Lab Max Hofer erklärt Vizekanzler Werner Kogler die Prozesse und Abläufe der Green Testing Lab
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Elisabeth Neuberger Head of Finance and Marketing