Tech talents of tomorrow:
HTL students immerse themselves in the world of testing

Future graduates of HTL Pinkafeld experience innovative technology up close

18 students from the 4th year of the electronics department at HTL Pinkafeld explored innovative testing solutions and got a comprehensive insight into the day-to-day work and opportunities in the world of battery testing.


After an overview of the company, where the students learned more about the background and the various opportunities at our company, we introduced them to the basics of testing, followed by an exciting tour of the company.

A highlight of the day was the practical measurements in the laboratory, where the HTL students were able to take part in resistance measurements and leak tests. At the end, the students were given a short check-up where they could apply what they had learned and received a small goodie bag as a thank you.



The fascinating world of testing

“It’s a great opportunity to introduce young engineers to the fascinating world of testing and show them the career opportunities that exist in this field” said Max.


A visit by HTL students to a technical company is an important opportunity to open the doors to the world of technology and innovation for young people and thus contribute to the training of the next generation of technicians.



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Gruppenfoto mit 18 Schüler:innen und zwei Lehrer der HTL Pinkafeld und Elisabeth und Max vor dem Green Testing Lab Betriebsgebäude
Max Hofer bei der Führung durch die Werkstatt mit den Schüler:innen der HTL Pinkafeld
Max Hofer zeigt den Schülern, die im Halbkreis stehen und zuhören, wie man Widerstandsmessungen durchführt
Max Hofer beim Messen von Widerstands mit einem Wiederstandmessgerät, Schüler der HTL Pinkafeld schauen gespannt zu
Max Hofer draußen im Testbereich beim Erklären eines Immersion Test, Tauchtest
Die Schüler der HTL Pinkafeld auf der Terrasse in der Pause beim Essen von Wurstsemmeln und Getränke
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Elisabeth Neuberger Head of Finance and Marketing